Before any significant church planting movement, there must be a major prayer movement & it persists for long.
I believe in it. I hope you'll believe in it, you'll participate into it.
Therefore I urged you in my previous blog message to pray the Luke 10:2b together (called Luke-ten-two-b prayer). Aden & I are excited to do it everyday at 10:02 am/pm. I know some of you are mobilized to pray it as well. Yeah you know it's not easy to do everyday! Maybe you have tried every means to remind each other, alarm clock, voicemail... Let's consider the last week is a warm-up.
If you have not read the previous message, please stop here & read it first. Then you'll get the background & you can join us & have fun.
There is a context for the Luke-ten-two-b prayer (Luke 10:2b):
Jesus told his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few..." (10:2a) Hold it......................(this dot dot happens when my wife just reminding me it is 10:02 pm, it is time to pray Luke10:2b. So I have to stop composing & we begin to pray....).
Sorry, coming back to the context.
The harvest is plentiful. The world needs help. People needs love. It is the context of Jesus time. It is the context of our time. Our time in Richmond, June, 2010.
A Japanese woman who used to live in Cambie Road had his rented apartment burnt into ashes. She didn't have any home insurance. She is a single mom. With 2 kids. A janitor. A woman just gone through breast cancer surgery. Now sadly look at the ashes, their once last place on earth for escaping all distress. Don't have any money. Don't know where to go for.
A lady called to my office yesterday. She is a non-Christian wanting to register for our Gospel camp. She was a bit anxious for not meeting our deadline. She explained why she hesitated to submit the form. Actually she was reluctant to tell her story: she is a single mom (Again!). She has 2 kids. The company she is now working will be closed down this month. She's financially strained. She requested if she could pay the camp fee after the event. Her last pay cheque will only be available by then.
My heart was saddened. I promised her that we don't need her family to pay anything. She didn't expect this gift. I could sense from her voice that she was deeply touched. Any conscientious being would pay for her. It is only $100.
Lots of Audi, Mercedes, BMW, Porsche... in our town.
People can't imagine some are in needs, in deep troubles.
Just $100. But when you don't have it, even if it is just $30, you just don't have it.
Here. Rich people on every road. Here. Poverty at every shadow.
So this is the context for Luke-ten-two-b prayer.
The harvest is plentiful. The needs are great. Distress are overwhelming. Pain is real. People just keep it in their own hearts. They dare not trust there are someone who cares about their sorrow. But Jesus cares. God knows their needs.
So Jesus urges his disciples to pray this:
"...Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field"(Luke10:2b).
How does His love, his care be made real to these people, in the harvest field?
Through the workers. The Kingdom army. Jesus disciples.
They will live out His love & His care for these needy people, physically & spiritually.
Our simple church network needs devoted core team to do the harvest, to start a church planting movement.
Will you join us to ask God to drive out his workers, cast out his army, for the field?
Will you be serious enough & persistent enough to see this come true through praying the Luke10:2b prayer?
Will you remind your partner or let all other means remind yourself to pray this at 10:02am/pm?
I have hurt my thigh a month ago by a soccer outreach event. After a few treatment, I asked the physiotherapist, "When can I expect to play the game again?" Tina said, "You can try playing the game next week. But before you play, do the proper stretching as warm-up."
I long for playing some real game soon.
I consider the past week is warm-up exercise for Luke 10:2b prayer. Some did it. Some didn't. Some didn't even read my update.
How about let's get a partner! Consider the past is warm-up.
Let's play the real game!
Pray it for 40 days. Mark down everyday. And count the total prayers.
Let's see how many times we pray all together at the end.
And let's see how God answers these prayers.
Let's have fun here!
Let's start the game!
ok...another 42 minutes to go! Let's start the game and the prayer!
ReplyDeleteLesley, what a quick learner! Great.