Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Appreciate You

Woke up in the morning. "Let's decorate our patio!" I said to my wife. So we bought potflowers, with names I never heard of... and I bought 3 little plants, pepper, tomato, cucumber, one for each of my sons, Caleb, Joshua and Philip.

I was the best instinct killer of all things alive. Fishes, plants... all dead under my caring. This time should be different. To my boys, this time has to be different.

So why should I still buy some little plants to grow? I think it originates from Mother's Day(May 8th). We were all very touched on that Sunday Morning. At the end of the service, we huddled together, praised each other, prayed for each other.

Because we all realized what it meant to be "I appreciate you." We all understood we were much indebted to the love and caring of others.

This began not so much with Mother's Day... yeah maybe. But definitely we were inspired by studying how Barnabas accepted Paul when he was just a new but rejected believer.

Before we started the bible study on Sunday, the kids were asked to read the passage (Acts 9:20-31)by themselves a few days ago. They were given a paper to write down 2-3 points about "Accepting People" from the text. They, including Philip, all did it diligently - Yeah, a bit hard for Philip!

When we came on Sunday, everyone had something to share. I was no more amazed to hear their wonderful sharing. From time to time, we learn God really speaks to kids. They really have the same Holy Spirit in them that we should listen with fear. This is one amazing discovery of us from gathering as simple church. We let the Holy Spirit to guide our sharing and these are our discovery from that passage:

  • In accepting people, we (Barnabas) let them (Paul) tell their stories.

  • In accepting people, we listen them with hearts.

  • In accepting people, we need the hearts of love.

  • People will be hurt if we do not accept them.

Isn't it amazing? They were from the kids. Isn't it simple? Simple. And very much on target.

Then we moved from the last point to "What if Barnabas rejected Paul?" "If so, what would Paul become?" During the introduction, we all contributed our knowledge of how great Apostle Paul was? Philip said, "He wrote Galatians." Caleb started to list, "Colossians, Philippians, Corinthians..." They knew Paul brought many many people to Christ. So it is not hard for them to imagine the answers: "He would no more trust God!" "His faith would die down!" "He would never become that great!"

The image of a little plant came to my mind. And I started to develop it, "We see Paul finally become a big big tree of faith. But when he was a new believer, he was like everyone, a little plant of faith. He needed encouragement and acceptance to grow. If Barnabas were like the others, feared him and isolated him. Then Paul would be very discouraged. And he might never be able to grow and become a big tree. Paul was so much indebted to Barnabas...

I think what happened one day in heaven is this: We'll see Paul stand before Jesus Christ, with million of people he brought to faith standing behind him. And we'll see Barnabas stand before Jesus as well. Maybe with only a thousand people he brought to faith standing behind him. When Paul meets Barnabas, I think he will say to Barnabas, "Brother, thank you so much for accepting me. If it weren't you there for me..." Paul started to turn to the millions behind him and said to Barnabas, "This will never happen. Thank you, brother, it all because of you. I appreciate you so much..." Jesus would turn to Barnabas and said, "Yes, Paul was right. You've done a great job, son."

I was very much touched by what I said at that moment. Definitely it was from God. Caleb left his chair, eyes red, rushed to Mom. Wanted to hug Mom. I stopped him. Bible study not finished - what a foolish and stubborn Dad! He went back.
I continued, "We need to accept people like what Barnabas did. Then people can grow up..." Caleb suddenly had an insight, "It's like the Sun and water. They help the little plant to grow up and become a big tree. Barnabas was the Sun and water."

This image really captured me. And suddenly it melted with our expectations and hope for bringing up kids. So I said, "3 of you are like little plants. It is not easy for us to raise you. But we work hard to learn. And we pray and pray and pray. We want to see one day these little plants become a big and strong trees of faith for God..." Joshua jammed in, "I know I know. Mom and Dad are like the Sun and the water. We need the Sun and the water to grow big."

"Yes. You are right. We want to grow you into a big big strong tree for the Kingdom. 3 big big strong trees of faith on earth. One day when we see you again in heaven... we see Philip, you, bring with you million of souls to God. And you Joshua, another million. And Caleb, a million. And we see you all become such a big big tree for God. We will be so happy and proud..."

Caleb again. He stood up. He cried. He cried heavily...

Usually he does it when he thinks others are unfair to him, brothers are unfair to him, Mom and Dad are unfair... He cries as he thinks others are indebted to him. But this time is very different. First time to my memory.

He rushed to Mom, crying. Hugged Mom. While saying, "Thank you Mom."

Clouds of appreciation and gratitude embedded us. We all stood in circle. Hands in Hands or hands on other's hairs, each thanked others. We all gave thanks with prayer. A family in bond of love and appreciation towards one another. God was there.

Probably because of this powerful encounter and probably because of Summer close by, days after, we bought the little plants.

I believe there is a divine purpose for being a Christian parent. At least this is my strong conviction. We don't raise them to be a lawyer, except a strong Christian lawyer. We don't raise them a doctor, except a strong Christian doctor. We don't raise them to a so and so... except a strong Christian so and so. It only matters if they are a strong Christian. We will not feel indebted to our kids if they never been to Disneyland or on a cruise, got a Harvard MBA or CGA...

But our hearts will be broken if they only live for themselves, not solely for Jesus. If they settle for being a mediocre Christian, not a true follower of Jesus with passion and love. If they care much for what to eat, what to drink, where to have fun, than pursuing and living out God's purpose for them on earth. This will make us sad.

We love them too much not to raise them up only to Jesus. We love Jesus too much not to grow them up solely for His kingdom.

What if they don't?!

God has mercy. Christ has mercy. And we labor.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

None Like Jesus

April 4. Monday Morning... Lonely

Cars ran full speed on highway. I looked out my window. Strange images flied away one after another. But my mind empty. My heart was scary, uncertain and lonely.

In a few hours, I would be facing a strange crowd near to 100. I would be sharing Jesus to them. All in a country in which gospel is very much suppressed.

I am not a veteran at this.

But one thing I am certain: Jesus said to me, "I am with you..."

March 31. Thursday Morning... I Sent You

All the busy works, pressure & anxiety of a month accumulated to this climax. In few hours, I would be heading Vancouver airport for this missionary trip. Now in the morning, I had my quiet time with the Lord. I was reading Psalms 56 by myself, while kids and Moms read the same Psalms in sitting room.

God met me powerfully...

Psalms 56 talked about the very unlikely people of faith, like foreigners and eunuchs. God was going to draw them graciously to himself. They would follow him and worship him. Words like "I will gather still others..." really related to what my trip was about - I was set to gather harvest.

If you know that our new ministry is "Home(=House) For All Nations"... If you know that the name is based on what Jesus said in Mark11:17, "my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations... If you know that I'll be flying in a few hours just to fulfill this calling, to preach to All Nations.

Then you will feel my shock as I read on to verse 7 of this Psalms: "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."

You always have little secret or some sorts of sign with God. That when it shows up, you know it is "The Lord!" He caught my attention. Now I knew it was Jesus there. Then I heard his little voice:

"Be strong, take courage, son... It is me who send you out... I will be with you..."

I prayed. I listened. I talked. And my tears fell. Tears warmed my face. He warmed my heart.

So on my way to airport, I asked my kids and my wife to share their insights of Psalms 56. They shared... and I shared mine...

And Aden said, "how come your sharing was so different from us?" I was silly enough to say, "Maybe we have different translations!" That simple?

April 3. Sunday Evening. An Asian City... He Turned Pages

I was staying in my friend's home. I was briefing them what I was going to say in the workshop on the next day. And I told them the wonderful experience I had with God that morning before I left. Then a strange idea suddenly came across my mind...

Ever since I said farewell to my family in Vancouver, I tried to take out the Bible & read again that passage in Psalm 56. I tried on the plane, in train, in Hong Kong... But I could not find it again. I just would not give up. So I looked up Psalm 46 - maybe I made a mistake. It's not there. I tried 66, 76, 86. Again not there. So I began with Psalms 36 and flipped through every psalm to 80 something. "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations" JUST NOT THERE. I couldn't believe it. I almost believed I had some sort of direct revelation or a divine vision.

When these episodes suddenly flashed back, I asked my friends, " Can I borrow your Bible?" While I was briefing with my friends, a strange feeling came to mind, "Will it be Isaiah 56, not Psalms 56?"

Then I turned to Isaiah 56, it said, "MY HOUSE WILL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS." I couldn't believe it.

On that morning, we supposed to read Psalms 56 ( I even confirmed with Aden before I went back to my room). But when I opened my Bible, I turned to Isaiah and read 56. How could my fingers flip so many pages?(Turn from Psalms 56 to Isaiah 56, you'll be amazed)

My Lord is my friend. The Best One. He knows who Marcus is? I am not a bit strong, tough, brilliant... as people think. I have lots of psychic barriers to cross when doing new things, going to new places, meeting new and strange faces. Many sees my calm outlook. Only Jesus sees my waves and winds inside. He knows that I need a strong reason to do this. Even to die for, to be imprisoned for. I need to know without a doubt that He himself sent me, that He will be there with me. This is what I need.

Jesus cares. He cares enough to reveal himself to me. He cares enough to speak to me. Not just spoke to me. But chose to turn pages after pages for me, till he reached that chapter which He knows would speak very powerfully, very personally to me... Isaiah 56. Then He appeared himself... Whatelse could I say about Jesus my Lord? I am speechless, totally surrender myself in awe and in joy to Him. Who is like our God? None.

I hope you appreciate our God is altogether holy, powerful, mighty... but at the same time, he is so altogether gracious, lovely, approachable, beautiful... and very very humorous. He is a God of joy and fun. Just like a lovely father does... he plays with his children, a lot.