Friday, November 5, 2010

My B-Day Wis...ion

I had my birthday wish.

I had a birthday vision.

Is it my wish? Is it God's vision? I know not. I call it Wis...ion.

Yesterday. 11.4. My B-day. 51.

The day before yesterday. 11.3. I posted in facebook: "Being 51 is not much fun..." Suddenly birthday greetings fall like our autumn rain, don't stop, yet with joy.

I was down. Thinking of 51. Entering into 51... did arouse my emotions.

When my eyes not fix on Jesus, I fall, like Peter. Looking at elsewhere, bring me down.

There are many reasons for these emotions... Being 51 is one.

It is not that I worry about my outlook. I am happy with it.

I don't worry about my physicality. My recent workout starts to pay off.

I am not in mid-life crisis. I had enough rebellions at a younger age...

I know my purpose. My whole being - body, soul & spirit -is ready for the kick-off. I am high and up on a life purpose.

So what made me down for being 51...

Maybe Paul was right. I shouldn't look back all those 50 years lived.

Incident after incident, my life rolled out...

Faces of friends, alive or dead, or half dead. Good times and bad times. Memories. Lots of memories...

And suddenly like that rabbit slept long under the tree, woke up and found out time flied away. What remained was just that much.

These rolled out during my prayer on 11.3, the day before my B-day. I was sad, not because I didn't live a colorful life. I had led enough wild and crazy life that men in pub will surely envy. I was sad because I didn't give the best of my life to love Jesus, to serve Jesus and to witness Jesus. I was down when I started to count the years ahead that I still can serve Jesus on earth, that I can proclaim Him to the earth's end. The sad thing is...not much time left for 51. I felt sorry for myself.

In prayer, I poured out this feeling to Jesus. Longing to draw close to Him. Showing Him my love and adoration for Him. Then I received a vision in my mind. And this became my 51 B-day wish...

"I saw feet in sandals. Feet in sandals walking on sandy and gravel path... wherever the foot stepped out, the sandal was right beneath it. Whenever the foot stepped out, the sandal followed literally in the exact same place..."

Seeing this picture in mind, I said my wish to Jesus...

"Lord, let me be the sandals on your feet. Wherever you go, I go...

Lord, make me that sandals on your feet. When you were on mission to the Samaritan woman at the well, I was with you... When you are on mission to the lost, the broken-hearted, the poor, let me be on mission with you. I go where you go.

Lord, let me be the sandals of the Good News ready to walk that distance with you.

But make sure it is you who lead, I am, the sandals, to follow. Not that I try to step on every foot prints you left. Even more so. Like a sandal of your foot, every step you made is every step I'll make.

Jesus, I want to be your sandal. Stay low. Stay humble. Stay beneath. Dirty for you. That I let every little piece of sand or rock beneath me pierce me. That Lord, the way for you will be a bit easier.

I want to be your sandal. On a mission with you. Yes. But most of all, I long for the closeness, the proximity. I want to be drawn close to you. So close, Lord. Like the sandals to your feet. Skin to skin. Heart to heart. With each of your step, I feel it. I touch it. So personally. So intimately. So closely. And so lovingly..."

This is my B-Day wish. At 51.

I hope. I believe it is more than a wish. It is a God-given vision. My Birthday gift. The best one. Then it'll be a foretell of what I am doing - on a mission. Of how I am doing it - closely with Jesus. That I shall be seeking His heart, following His step, in my coming years.

I love this vision so much. It starts to drive me up and high again.

If you find it hard to believe in vision, take it as my B-Day wish. Then do pray to God that this wish of mine comes true. I don't mind it is a wish. As long as it'll come true. Let's me blow my candle!

Be it a vision. Be it a wish. Let's His will be done, on earth, in me in you, as it is in Heaven. Amen.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Preached Against Shrimp Dumpling

I preached against shrimp dumpling last Sunday Service.

Pretty much on fire.

Some told me so. Some discussed it. Some cried. Some shook my hands. Some even told me a shrimp dumpling was left uneaten on table that day. No one dared to eat it.

In case you forgot it, missed it, or are interested in it, this is a very simplified version...

Note: ( ) = My elaboration, or text reference

" Title: Fighting Moment/Nehemiah ch. 4...

My wife said, "It is huge warfare!" when recalling what happened last Wednesday. She went into a neighbor house & led second second Discovery Bible study (go to last message 'Stepping Out... WOW' for God's wonderful guidance). Just when they were ready to study the fall of mankind, 2 Jehovah witnesses knocked the door. The host answered the door. Aden went down as well. The Jehovah witnesses were very sticky. And a baby of our neighbor started crying. Even though the J.W. were gone, the crying wouldn't stop.

The study was then forced to stop. BTW, this group is penetrated by the Baha'i faith people who volunteers to teach them English every Tuesday. For the last 9 months, when we prayed for ways to outreach the neighborhood, the Jehovah witness, Baha'i faith came out forcefully from nowhere. It's really the fighting moment!

(I talked about how Nehemiah called out all people to respond to their enemies...How everyone became an army of ordinary people... Then I switched to Christian role in spiritual warfare in Eph.6:13-18. How all of us should put on God's armor to fight the world, Satan, and our sinful nature...)

Yes. The warfare is fierce. But it is never an even one. Through the victory of the cross, Jesus has taken away the sin of human being. God is willing to grant the gift of forgiveness via Jesus Christ. Satan could no longer condemn our sin & enslave us. We are set free! The strong man had been tied up by Jesus Christ(Mat.12:29). We, as free man, our role is to follow through, go into the house & rob his possession. Through preaching the gospel, we'll set free all those still captured by Satan.

If you get this, the essence of Great Commission comes into light: After being crucified & raised to victory, Jesus commanded his disciples, the army of ordinary people: 'I have won the victory & have all the authority. No more defence. It's time to attack. Soldiers, Charge... Go! Go! Go! Therefore Go and Make disciples of all nations...'(Italics, mine).

If we obey Christ, put on God's armor, bring forth the Gospel & His love, go into a community of desperate people, Satan will be scared to death. Because he is going to be robbed again! (Then I told a story of a church in HK, the church of "no walls." How a pastor has mercy over the homeless in parks. How he visits them every week & later gathers a church of 60 homeless every week in the park, worship, learning God's words...)

Church of no walls are those Christ followers dare to go go go, go into a community, share the gospel & gather believers as a church, right where they are. If according to Jesus' definition(Mat.18:20), church can be in a park, then can church be in campus field? If a church in park is church, then can church be in office? If a church in office is church, then can church be at home? (Then I started to introduce the simple church ministry I am going to do next year... Our Bishop encouraged me to use 15 minutes to talk about this... Normally I don't like to deviate much from the text message!)

The name of our ministry is called "FANS Home"(The Home For All Nations - Mk.11:17) . We have 3 focus:

1. Missional:

God sent His Son to the World. Jesus sent us into the world. Instead of asking people to come to church. We are the go go go people. We are the go go go church. Just like what Aden doing, we pray & pray for harvester. We go into a community. Share the gospel. Identify the person of peace(Luke 10). Convert him(her) + his (her) network, the house. Gather them right where they are as church...

2. Making Disciples & Simple Church:

We make disciples when they commit to come together as a group, even before conversion. 3 DNA will be implanted right there from the start: Divine Truth + Accountable Nurturing Relationship + Apostolic Mission. They will be reading & studying & obeying the words of God. Life will be transformed by the Spirit working through God's words in an obedient heart. Everyone is accountable to others. The neglected but crucial discipline for growth like confession of sin to each other(sure it applies to Pastor!), speaking the truth in love... come back to central stage. And we will be praying for the lost, reaching out for the lost, sharing what we learn each week as a group to our pre-believer friends... We focus on these 3 areas in group of 2-3, from there to every size God will us to grow, 30, 60, 100 times... Simple? Yes. Simple but profound. Simple & reproducible. That makes a movement.

(Where is the shrimp dumpling part? Coming...)

3. The Poor and the Needy:

God calls us to share the gospel not in words only. It will be shared in love. God tells us there is a big world out there needs help... Probably you'll have dim sum after this service, right? How much it costs for a plate of shrimp dumpling? (They replied: $3, $4) How long does it take for you to finish this plate, say if you are very hungry? One minute?!(They nodded.) I want to make you feel sick when you have dim sum today... 60 seconds gone, right after you finish your shrimp dumpling, 24 kids die in the world(refer to my blog message 'Count with me 1, 2, 3...') 24 kids die of malnutrition & hunger in Cambodia, in India, in remote areas of China, in urban ghettos of Mexico... right after you finish your shrimp dumpling. And that $3, $4 can save those 24 young lives. That same beautiful life as we touch, we kiss, we hug, we feed at our home... dies. Die because we only touch, only kiss, only hug, only feed the little ones, the ours! It is a sin for Christian not caring for the poor and needy. It is not about shrimp dumpling. It is about a lifestyle. A lifestyle that is not thinking, caring, loving the poor. This is sin. This is something we need to answer before Jesus(Mat.25:31ff). Our ministry will be taking care of the orphans, the widow, and the poor... Among them, we shall make disciples of Jesus Christ. That is a must!

(Funny enough. After this powerful & straight-forward wording, I came to ask for support...) You can support us in this way:

(And I concluded with 2 Tim.4:7-8...)

Which opponent you don't want to face in battle? A well-trained mercenary army or a well-trained voluntary army. One fight for pay check. One fight from love. Brothers & sisters, God is calling his army to fight, put on His armor, go into the world, share the gospel with love... Satan will be scared to death. Because this army. The army of ordinary people. The army of all voluntary hearts. Fight out of love. To them, they have nothing to lose. Are you one of them? )

I was pretty much on fire.

Walking. Waving. Preaching. Lost in the pulpit.

The life of a shrimp dumpling changed that day. Uneaten. Thanks to my preaching.

The next day. Monday morning. I looked out the window from my room. Still lost in the power of Spirit. Still lost as the focal point on pulpit, I talked to Jesus in open eyes...

"Lord, I know I have the gift of preaching. I am feeling good about it(kind of addicted). I am good at doing it, doing something that is not effective in changing life(I changed the life of a shrimp dumpling, though). Can you take away this gift from me?

But while you do this... can you give me another gift, a gift that I might not be familiar, have not been doing very good. But at the end, people see you, not seeing me. At the end, we see life changed, obedient disciples made. We see your followers love you so so much, that they love the world so so so so much..."

If you happen to be a preacher, I do not mean to offend you. I think there is a higher calling than preaching to a Christian community every Sunday morning. And you know the reason. Sooner or later.

Am I bragging over my preaching?

Instead, this is my confession. The confession of a preacher. The confession of a preacher who looks for something more effective in impacting life, changing life, plus changing the world. We don't need to invent it. Jesus had shown us. Commanded us. It is only our question of following suit or not!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stepping Out...WOW!

Jesus was walking on water. His disciples were in a boat. One man decided staying there no more. What did it take Peter to step out, to take risk of his life or his fame, to wow like Jesus?

We all know he failed later. But we all forgot he was the only man in NT to wow with Jesus - a surfing-like ecstasy. We might have forgotten it is Jesus' entertaining Peter's pursuit with "Come!"

A consuming passion to pursue Jesus. This is the WOW spirit. Peter did have. Have we? Let passion dies, we live as follower only by name.

All for Jesus. Good. All through Jesus. Much needed. For the last few months, I have been learning the latter. There is so much fun... with Jesus leading & showing His ways.

I was asked a few times: "What did you prepare for planting church next year?" "How many people will go out with you?" My answer always seems embarrassing. To me, I mean. Because it seems I had no preparation at all. I made some. But God overturned them.

I attended church planting school in 2009 Spring. But when God gradually shows his plan for me with simple, organic, house church movement. All I learnt there were pretty much irrelevant. At least in principles. I could have been provided with a better financial support system in church planting. But ended up with a less secured one. I requested to use a quarter of my last few months' time in our team leaders training, but not granted. It's ok. God knows I don't need it. Because I don't have a team. Except my best team. My family team.

We prayed and prayed. But things didn't happen that way.... Then Christ shows us His way. So we are at peace. Perfectly happy. Firmly secured in His presence. What else will you ask if it is Jesus himself around you, before you? You ask nothing more, except more of himself.

Step out, you walk on the same water with Jesus, I prayed.

The simple, organic church movement starts with this: Pray for the harvester. Go out in a team of 2. Find the person of peace in a community. Go into his house & preach the gospel. Gather them in meetings(a church)... Does it sound familiar? It is Jesus' way. He showed the twelve disciples. He showed his seventy(Luke 10). How could I be so stupid to neglect it as timeless? Thanks Lord. He shows me this truth.

We have prayed for harvesters for a long time. We have prayed for the person of peace in our community. Our neighbourhood is very much multi-ethnics. We always think we have to speak English at least in the house church at my home. And you probably knew that the Baha'i faith (a new religion from Iran) penetrating my neighbourhood, if you've read my previous blog. Our heart was burnt when we saw the Baha'i faith people volunteers to teach the Chinese people English weekly.

Prayers + Person of Peace + English speaking house church + Baha'i faith penetration = ?

They all not match up. Hardly could add up. But in God's economy. Divine purpose shows up.

One day. Aden & I intentionally started a casual talk with a Chinese lady who's now learning English with the Baha'i faith. Later on we exchanged favors... then we become friends. In the meantime, Aden was praying how to move forward with her. Later on she asked if Aden could teach them English once a week. In mid-Autumn Festival, we were invited to join their party. We saw the power of a person of peace. She had invited 30 of her friends there (not counting kids). WOW. You know what? I could envision a house church in hers already.

Every Wednesday morning, my wife will teach them, a group of 4, English in their house. They would talk in English about all walk of life. About raising kids, immigration hardship, family, finding jobs, pressure... Out of these practical issues, Aden will share how her faith made a difference.

In the second lesson, our woman person of peace, after hearing Aden's witness, said, "Can I follow you?" said in eyes redden.

Over the week, my wife was praying of how to lead them closer to God spiritually.

In the third lesson, our woman person of peace requested, " Could you lead us Bible study that we could know more about your God?" WOW. Isn't it amazing that a non-believer asks you to teach her Bible?

That afternoon. I bumped into her. Chatted a little bit about their English class. She told me about my wife: "Aden was very good & kind to us. And she seems like someone I could always look up to... I don't know why. Your wife has a very special attraction to me. I just so adorn her. Honestly speaking, a lot of people volunteers to lead me Bible Study. I turned them down. But I really want Aden to teach us Bible..."

In this coming Wednesday, they'll have their first Discovery Bible Study.

But let me tell you how prayers add up to all these.

Over the last two weeks, when my wife walked to them for English lesson every Wednesday, I prayed for them to come to know Jesus. I prayed for my wife. Knowing that the Baha'i faith people teaches better English (a UBC student), I prayed for other attraction: a special attraction, the fragrance of Christ, flows through Aden to them. That they will be deeply attracted. The Spirit prompted me to pray this way. The attractiveness of Aden to that lady is exactly the unique fragrance of Christ, filling them via a weak but willing vessel.

Jesus is leading us all the way. He is doing it wonderfully all by himself. And we are so honored being yoked with him. So mystically following his steps. Without knowing, even praying His prayer. And seeing it comes true.

So in Thanksgiving Day, nothing is more appropriate than this gratitude: "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory through Christ. God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume" (2 Cor.2:14 - "Hermie & Friends Bible Version"- I am using my son's Bible a lot lately!).

It is so empowering, so powerful, so excited to see Jesus revealed his will, his way, his hands, his perfume. Even in this preparation stage, the stepping out stage. Should I expect less if I have my other foot as well walking on water 2011.1.1?

When we took our first surfing course in Kenting, Taiwan this summer. We were driven to a beach far away. Each of us stood on a surfboard. Listening to the instructions of our "Coach Iron," we did all the funny moves and practices. To others, it sounds so weird. A bunch of weird people wearing swimsuits, standing on surfboard, doing all strange gestures...on sandbeach. If we do not envision ourselves end up riding on waves in that piece of ocean, we would be the biggest joke of the day. As silly as it might sound, we prepared ourselves in high spirit. Wow! Just the thought of riding on waves rocketed our spirit sky high.

We were taught with some basics, briefly 45 minutes. Life is all about learning. But learning by doing. Then we rushed to the sea for more than an hour. We were not scared. The joy overrode any fear. Too exciting to feel fatigue. All failed a few times. All wiped out. That would not stop us. Because our coach didn't leave us in water only with those basics taught on sand. Coach Iron was with us all the way. He was standing in water. Correcting every mistakes. Applauding every little win. He was there. Till we all made it.

Jesus said, "I will be with you always !" This is not a promise to any Christian. Sorry guys. This is a promise only to those who dare to pursue, dare to risk...a lot, even their life in making His mission, His dream a reality to the end of the world(Mat28:19-20).

When I saw Coach Iron in water, I know what is "be with you." When Peter walked on water, I know it again. Even when he fell into the water, I know it. I know what is "always." When you WOW... when you fall... Jesus is there, beside you, inside you, around you, before you, behind you...that is "always." So we expect an authentic and authoritative appearance of Jesus himself everywhere, anytime, around us and before us. As much as we do it for Jesus, do it through Jesus, we expect much from Jesus, of Jesus.

In order to remember that moment of a lifetime surfing on water, we wore a bracelet. We crossed our hand, held each other as a team, we took picture. With that same boldness, huge expectation and a deep breath, we are taking off another foot, stepping it out on the sea of newness & freshness... We know He is there waiting for us. We are ready to WOW with Jesus.

Dear friends, do you still have that burning passion for Jesus? Do you now want ministry done only through Jesus, no more by your flesh? I pray you do.

Do pray with us that we, family as a whole, don't miss too much of what we leave behind , and that the new depth of faith & the discovery in Jesus surpasses all loss incurred in the process of making all nations His disciples. May Glory and Honor be to our dear Lord Jesus Only and till eternity, from traditional churches, from simple, organic churches, as well as from you and me. Amen.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mission 9.11

Saturday afternoon, rain began to fall, everything was made wet. I was happy with it. Rainy day seldom makes me glad. This was exception.

Saturday 9.11. Divine appointment. Divine initiation. Divine Mission on 9.11.

It all begins with our simple/house church planting. We are planning to plant new churches 1.1.11(next year). And it will begin first at our home. But ours is small & messy. Clean-up needed. So I had some days off 10 days ago to do this. I simply wanted to throw away at least 1/5 of our old stuffs. But then the idea of having a yard sale came up. Yeah. Maybe our neighbour could use up some of these stuffs. At our home, they are retired. At others, they could be revived. But we have never done a garage sale before.

Thinking of all the complications involved, I almost wanted to back off. We could simply give them to Value Village. Why all these headache? Only if there was a meaningful cause... I thought.

Then one morning, when I was praying to Jesus. I started to wander a bit in prayer. Thinking of this yard sale. Thinking how to make it more meaningful to others. An idea of donating all proceeds to a charity/relief organization suddenly popped up. WOW. That's meaningful. But to whom? Then I thought of the devastating Pakistan Flooding. I thought of UNICEF. But I didn't receive its information for quite a while. Not knowing if they have something ongoing for the Pakistan flooding. All this happened in my prayer. We can say that was "not focus" in prayers. But to me that could be the "Spirit hovering over" my mind(Gen.1:2). Ha ha, my excuse.

Right after prayer, I went down to check what the postman just delivered. Guess what? Yes. It was the mail from UNICEF. In this sacred moment, I was a bit tensed while opening it up. Oh. I found a few donation requests for African AIDS. I could compromise the "vision" from my prayer. I thought. Then I checked through the last flyer. Alleluia! It is for helping children in Pakistan flooding.

What a divine initiation! What a quick divine confirmation!

The way from divine initiation to divine mission is not smooth. There is human weakness. My weakness. Always.

We had to do the yard sale on 9.11. Nothing political or spiritual. But economical. All donation would be matched by Canadian Government. But the deadline was 9.12 Sunday. Sunday - Sabbath day + church anniversary banquet - not a choice. 9.11 Saturday was our last & only day to double the donation.

That means we only had a few days left for checking all stuffs, cleaning, pricing... And we had to distribute flyers to our neighbourhood. Only me & Aden were doing these. We were so exhausted that we hardly could bend our waists. But the most draining was the weather.

We had seen for a few times how God could change weather for outreach sake. But that was history. Recently I loved to check weather forecast before & during event planning. 9.11 was locked. Do it or drop it. Weather forecast Friday, Saturday and Sunday: light rain; cloudy shower; light rain. What shall we do then? God encouraged us to "look up" to him. So we drew the kids together. Briefed them the what & why. Then we prayed and prayed for good weather, neighbour. Our family went together door to door distributing flyers. We would not back off.

There must be some implications from God for 9.11. Rain or shine, we would not give up.

You knew it. Friday - overcast + sun. Saturday - sunny + rain. Sunday - rain rain rain.

At 10:00am, people already started checking out before we were ready. The flyers worked. 32" Color TV @$10. Ikea single bed with mattress + delivery @$10. Digital camera @$1. Desk + delivery @ $1. Free sofa bed + delivery. Free pen & stationery... for kids. Free DVD...

It was a big success. We remade our home while old stuffs found new owners. Beautiful. We met many neighbours & managed to talk with some, from India, Middle East, Philippines, Chile, Croatia, China... When they knew the reason why we did that. They showed much appreciation. Most people loved our beautiful cause - doing it for the sake of others - the Pakistan children. (Do you know Pakistan is one of the most unreached people by gospel?) People tended to give more. We ended up with an earning of $96.66. Double it up becomes $200 for the Pakistan kids. Plus our kids experienced God. This pastor once again had his experience of Jesus, the Master of wind & wave, been revived. We were amazed to see the rain started to fall in the afternoon, 4 hours after we ended. Isn't it beautiful to see rainfall like that?

What more beauty is mission 9.11? It is divine forecast of what we, the simple church, will be doing.

We'll let go of the old/used/not important stuffs, say the church buildings, comfort zones... we choose to gather together anywhere, everywhere. Then what save up could be used locally & globally in impacting people's lives, in giving hope, in caring orphans, widows and the poor. We might be small. Our impact are profound.

We do not attract & evangelize people inside the 4 walls of church. Rather we'll break out and reach out. Like yard sale in open space, we meet the lost in the harvest field. No more bringing people to Christ, but bringing Jesus to people, to the neighbourhood, to the community.

We do not treat adult are superior. Different ages, different colors, different generation & gender, of course with children, we fight together, pray together, experience Jesus together. There is only one team, one focus, one dream.

We do not rely on our wisdom or the sure win program or principles. We learn to wait and listen and discern His will. Each and every time. We trust the Spirit will teach us how to fight.

We will make friends with the Muslim, the Hindu, the Sikh, all those unreached people group. Because God brings them here in our neighbourhood. Because God so loved the world. And they are the world. And God loves them. "Jesus loves them, this I know, for the Bible tells me so"

And we'll do exactly what the world undo. God locked us up on that Saturday for a reason. A very important implication. When the world was so split up on 9.11, when the world was so filled with hatred and sorrow on 9.11, we sowed the seed of peace, the seed of love, the seed of unity, in the name of Jesus Christ on that same day. (I helped loading the bulky TV to a Filipino family. You know the tension between HK & Philippine; Our Muslim friends visiting & appreciating our cause of action...) We, simple church, shall preach a gospel of love, a gospel of peace, a gospel of transformation.

The world needs Mission 9.11. The world needs a group of simple, focused, obedient followers of Jesus to be their salt. The world needs simple church, organic church, house church to be their light. I am very much crazy for it. I pray that it's been passed on to you. I pray that you'll as much crazy as I to see it realized as such.

Mission 9.11. A small win. But God reminds me a war out there, lest I am too much carried away. 2 young ladies from Jehovah witness just knocked my door... I am very furious with the filtration of the heresy, very much sadden with few Christian workers for the harvest, very much zealous in seeing His will be done on earth...

Awake! Brothers and sisters: Mission Not Accomplished!

Let's stand up. Let's stand tall. Let's stand firm. Fight time...

Monday, August 23, 2010

2 Young@hearts Surfed The Ocean Of Grace

Picture 1: Tons of Love
Picture 2: Surprise
Picture 3: New Challenge

Back from a gracious HK trip. There was huge jet lag and adjustments. Unwillingly to wait till now that I can share His Ocean of grace with you:

"... Ocean of Grace"

Tons of Love:

It's hard to explain why at one time I didn't have $200 but at some other time my whole family could travel to Asia. It's even harder to explain why a family of 5 which can only pay our bills but could travel to Hong Kong 4, 5 times over the last 8 years. I mean 5 tickets.

I gathered the kids for bedtime prayer after we came back. I told them that we had to give thanks to God. I told them how I thank God for our relatives who paid for us all the costs to HK, that I could see my Mom as often as possible. My eyes were red. And they saw it. Then they prayed. Then I prayed & I choked up... as I thought of that private moment between me & my Mom in the seniors home. I thought of that moment when I dried & comb Mom's hair. I thought of that moment which I struggled to hold tears before her. All these sprang out in seconds during prayer. After prayers, my kids knew Dad's crying. They were surprised. I told them I was OK. I just missed my Mom. I just thanked God so much for His grace. It's OK to miss one's Mom. And it's always OK to thank God as well as others.

There is up and down in life, as certain as eternity. At one time we are plentiful. At others we are in need. Like breaking waves, in, out... Very often it seems threatening. But love never fails. Grace abundant. And Jesus will never be absent. That makes the ocean a thrill, an excitement, sometimes a wonderland.


What kind of grace is it? That our relative bought us a 3-days trip to Kenting, Taiwan. That they took care of our 3 kids in HK. It's our honeymoon!

We exchanged CAD$200 to NT$ in Kaohsiung airport. We thought currency exchange in the southern tip of Taiwan will be as easy as in Phuket. We made a huge mistake.

The first day when we arrived Kenting, I noticed there were no currency exchange shops around. By next day, we need to exchange some money. So we asked. People kept telling us there was no exchange in the town. The closest we could do it was in another city, Hengchung, which was about 15-20 minutes by bus. OK la. What else can we do?

We arrived Hengchung by noon time. It is a quiet, artistic, old city of about 200 years. Once we planned going there. We dropped the idea since we had to rent an electric bike or take a bus. But somehow, for the sake of money, we were there in the middle of the town. We rushed to the First National Bank. We were of high hope seeing that high building. But they told me they couldn't exchange Canadian dollars. What? Are we inferior something? But they were kind enough to ask me to try the post office. What? Post office!?

To our amazement, post office does some bank services. So we went across the road & found the post office. They were polite. Polite enough to tell me no exchange for CAD$. They told us to try a bigger post office. So we went into narrow streets, turned around this & that corner. Frustrated. Finally we were in the bigger post office. They told me they exchanged US$, HK$, RMB, sorry no CAD$. If you are CAD$ millionaire, you'll end up a beggar in Kenting & Hengchung. What a spiritual lesson for earthly fortune hunters at the gate of heaven? So I pulled out HK$300, US$22, all I had in wallet. So much upset when getting out.

So much thanks to my wife. She said, "Let's not ruin our holiday by this! Let's rejoice!" I was uplifted & lifted up my head as we walked back the narrow streets. I saw tourists crowded before a white-washed house. There was a big post stood before the house. Surprisingly I found it was the house of the main character 阿嘉 in a very famous Taiwan movie 海角七號。We then did what tourists did, taking pictures and having great joy! And enjoyed a special trip in an old town. Waves break in & if you don't panic... you'll have fun!

"2 Young@hearts Surfed..."

New Challenge:

Jesus never surfed. Jesus WOW!

Marcus never WOW. Marcus surfed on water.

We browsed among the tourist information of Kenting while in HK. I was deeply attracted by a sport. A sport I never played. Never dream about. It is wave surfing.

I don't know where the attraction comes from. Maybe deep down my heart, I am so drawn by Jesus walking on water episode. So want to feel as Peter. Even more to feel as Jesus. I can never walk on water. But I can surf on water and ride on waves, like Jesus. Or maybe because I am going to do something new & challenging, only surfing can simulate that kind of excitement. My mind has been surfing quite a bit ever since this church planting vision. Or maybe I want to stimulate myself with the Caleb's spirit. Who at the age of 85 said, "I am just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then!"

Aden was inspired equally. So we registered for a surfing course and went surfing right after the Hengchung experience. We were with 3 others from HK. Only Aaron, our 14 years old friend, had surfing experience in HK. After the coach taught us some basic skills on the beach, we rushed to the ocean. My first surf, like others, was not successful. My next 3, 4 trials were the same, simply wiped out.

Then came a time as I tried to catch the wave, my coach called out, "Stand." Quickly I did the proper gesture and stood up. And there I was. Surfing, balancing with body & hands. The winds pushed from behind. The waves under my surfboard. Shouts and praises at my back. It was quick. Swift. Refreshing. So incredible: I was surfing. In the following hour, my coach kept teaching me new skills. I chased waves. I rode on it. At times, I would be wiped out. But I made it. I am now a wave-rider. A surfer. I never found same kind of ecstasy in other sports, not tennis, not soccer, not kungfu, not roller coaster... I know I will surf in Tofino. I will surf in HK. I will surf once again in Kenting. Because I am now a wave-rider, an ocean surfer!

Indeed Aden did better than me. Her second trial was already a success. She surfed. But then she was hit by her own surfboard in the ear. She couldn't hear for a while. After that, she just sat on the beach and watched our surfing. But this didn't take away her passion. She wanted to surf again. And we were so happy that 5 of us all could surf at the end.

It doesn't matter if you will surf or not. Still I hope you will. But what important is... Do you still have that fire inside you? Do you challenge yourself now and often enough to keep yourself young? I mean young@hearts mostly. Time can add some wrinkles here & there. But don't let it take away your youthfulness, of hearts esp. Always renew your mind & heart. With this newness and boldness, ready to receive His outpouring of new wine, and ready to let His Kingdom vastness to capture you and challenge you!

Jesus WOW. Marcus Surf.
And when I surf, I can feel Jesus WOW.
Friends, surf then, in his ocean of grace.
You'll exclaim, "WOW"
Maybe you'll see Him as well.

P.S. Tofino Surf School offers a free 3 hrs lesson for those Young@hearts (above 60).

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Death Valley Between 2 Mountaintops

Overlooking from one mountaintop in Huangzhan to another mountaintop, it looks so close. A big leap seems good enough.

Yet there is a V-shaped way. A deep valley to go down and up. Hard work.

Simple / house church doesn't mean moving the traditional church to home. Doing without the building is not simple church. It involves mentality, lifestyles & paradigm shifting.

There is so much to unpack, undo, unlearn, while strolling down the valley.

Leaving the mountaintop of traditional church involves a dying process - dying to some good things - the plentiful programs, the worship band, academic teaching, inspiring sermons... And it is absolutely uncomfortable to leave our comfort zone, for exploring the vast unknown horizon. Results seem far-reaching. Always leaves. No fruits. There will be much hesitation & doubts along the way. Many dark and cold nights.

I was stopped by rev. Chiu, a church & leadership expert, who asked about my church planting planning. When he knew that I was going to plant simple church network, he said, "It is not an easy job! I think it will take at least 5 years to bear fruit." 3 years are normal for planting traditional church. I replied him, "I prepare to use the rest of my life to do this."

When you envision its beauty, you put everything into it. A life.

Rev. Chiu told the class his conversation with Pastor Leung. Pastor Leung once was the senior pastor of one of the biggest Chinese churches in Richmond. He now leads a missionary agency. He called rev. Chiu, "Have you read the book 'The House That Changes The World'?" "I have read that book" he said. "There are so much beauties with house church... If I am going to start church again, I will go for house church!"

Jesus makes us envision the beauty of simple church. Jesus challenges us walking on water with him. So we step out WOW with Jesus, on the water of simple/house church, on the water of a new but ancient way of doing church.

As we climb up the other side of valley, we will see a life which meant to be purposeful, meant to be impactful to the needy world. We join God of the fatherless and the widows for sharing love and blessings. We are no club members or Sunday Christians. We live in and live out faith 24/7.

We are Jesus follower. His lover. His friend. Living in the realm of the His kingdom. So real and it's contagious. Reaching out the world & making it disciples of Jesus. Seeing ourselves, though weak and simple, in grace we could be strong & tough to do the greater things for His glory.

But before the top is reached, the vision is fulfilled, there is the "death valley." A need to put dead our familiar old wine, put dead the familiar old wineskin, put dead... A challenge to give up those good things. That we might we receive the new, the greater things.

The many seeds are produced only by a dying kernel of wheat. Christ's resurrection came only after his death on cross.

What did you sacrifice for Jesus? What will you give up for advancing His Kingdom?

On July 1st, I had $128.04 in my account, after payroll already. I wanted to give $200 pocket money for my wife who was about to leave for HK. But I didn't have it. I held till July 5th to borrow from my sister. Who else a pastor can ask for borrowing money except his sister? We have limited market. This is the second time. It was even worse few years ago when I only had $30 something. Who said God will miraculously drop you money every time you are in need?

Who wants to be insecure? Who wants his daily bread only given right at today? Do I feel bad? A little. At times, some self-pity. But for most of the time, we lack nothing. Our family is so blessed. We love each other so much. Our kids don't need fancy stuffs to keep them alive. They are super active & create their own games. We do give every financial adviser headache in planning something for us, out of almost nothing left.

Serving our Lord calls for some sacrifice, advancing His Kingdom requires giving something up. From time to time, people would commend us pastors or missionaries for giving up our profession or fortune to serve God. I remember one missionary responded to this commendation, "I never consider myself sacrifice anything. It was Jesus who did sacrifice everything."

Every line means sacrifice:


Laid behind the stone.

You lived to die.

Rejected and alone.

Like a rose, trampled on the ground.

You took the fall

And thought of me

Above all" (the song "Above All")

Every time it sheds my tear when I sing it.

We are not sacrificing anything. We are investing something. Jesus made that sacrifice. So great. So thorough. So deep.

When you see Jesus in heaven, what will you say to Him?

Here is my picture. When I come before His throne, bow down at his feet, in the midst of his beauty & glory, I'll ask the Lamb to show me his hands. Not from doubt. But in awe, I long to touch his wound, I want to see its depth.

"Why do you love me so much, Lord?" I will ask.

Dear WOW friends,
I pray that you'll appreciate His love.
I pray that you appreciate it so much to pour out your life for Him.
I pray that while you give up something for His kingdom, you know it is nothing indeed.
And I pray that you'll dare to walk the V-shaped way for reaching that mountaintop.

P.S. :
Right before I got the money from my sister on July 6th, my bank account showed up a credit of $500 something that day. In fact, it was credited to us the day before when I made my request to her. It was the GST refund. He listened to my prayer on that day, "Can't you do something special, Lord! Give us today our daily bread." A manna. Thanks Lord!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

As For Me & My House, We Will Serve The Lord

Home Alone.

You know you're now a different person.

A pound of blueberries & cherries. It now took me a week to finish. When my boys were there, they were done in 15 minutes.

When you have kids, life will be different. When kids are gone, life can't return to what's before, cause they leave in your heart a hole. Maybe only our grandsons can fill!

Here I am. Home alone.
Only "when will you come to us daddy... I miss you daddy..." can warm my missing heart.

Let's talk about kids in simple/house church. Why not start with this:

4 days ago, when I was driving somewhere near Westminster Hwy & Lynas. A Chinese family of 4 crossing road. The father was very happy with his little girl & far left behind. The mom walked with her boy, aged about 5. He walked 4-5 feet ahead of mom. While they crossed, the light was already red. One car turned left. Mom rushed to grab his hand, while the second car got real close to him. Luckily nothing bad happened. So familiar in Richmond. With a scenario like this, do we expect a pedestrian come out from nowhere & grab the little boy's hand? Who has such responsibility? Too easy, ah?!

Of course the mom! The boy is too small. They need parent to guide him on crossroad. I think no one will disagree on this. Now when come to faith, not many christian parents guide & teach their children's walk of faith. They simply ask a pedestrian to hold their little hands on the parents' behalf. The pedestrian is called "church." Strange enough, not many think there is a problem. What do the parents do? They don't walk, wishing this kind pedestrian to do the good job of bringing their kids to the other side. Ironic. Yet a reality.

Parents don't walk the faith, & follow Jesus. Just consign their kids to church & expect church can teach their kids in a godly manner. Unrealistic. Kids are the best detectives to find out religiousness & hypocrisies. When they do, faith becomes a game. They drop out! There ain't right with churches as well. We create program after program to attract children, hoping we then get their parents' membership. Pragmatic church growth.

However the biblical mandate is to start from parents(Deut6:1-9). We have to be trained to follow Jesus ourselves first. And we bring our kids to Christ. With our modeling & parental guidance, we then can bring them up as Jesus follower. There is no short cut, no consignment. In fact, whether people were qualified as leaders in early house churches depends not so much on gifts but on the family education of their kids (1 Tim 3:4, 5, 12). So much off track nowadays.

What to do with kids in simple/house church?

Parental apprenticeship.
A parent should have the primary responsibility to train kids spiritually. No short cut, no consignment, no more pedestrian. We train parent, everyone, to follow & obey Jesus, be His disciples, model our faith, and then our kids have the focus to follow. No more dependence on program. Tackle the core - parent.

Inter-generational meeting.
"They (kids) have the same Holy Spirit, and they are as much a part of the meeting as the adults. If they can read, they'll read some Scriptures, or they may pray with someone or choose a song... We may have the younger ones in a separate room with someone older supervising them during Bible discussion time. But as soon as they are old enough - to comprehend, they participate. Once they are old enough to read, they can participate (with adults)." - Felicity Dale.

Don't underestimate kids.
I was praying overnight. Caleb woke up to piss. OK, he found me praying & I told him why: "I prayed for the world." From then on, he urged me to let him in. "Come on! How can he stay overnight? He will ruin my night..." I thought. But when I realized it is wrong to put out his passion to pray, I let him pray with me for one hour at mid-night. I never lead other to pray for an hour. I don't know how... But somehow the Spirit led us, as we sang, praised, prayed for Africa, our communities, his friends, his school... One hour done.

Joshua was so excited to know Caleb doing this with dad. He wanted to join me. So this time with Joshua. Amazingly, this guy really is a pray warrior. He followed me to raised up both hands to sing, to praise and to pray for Asian countries... he even bind Satan in the name of Jesus - the next day his nose was hit by a tennis ball & bleed a lot, he now knows being a warrior one has to pay a price to fight Satan! Kids are just wonderful!

From time to time, we as a family including Philip prayer walk our community & bless our neighborhood. A friend of mine after she herself was trained in street evangelism, she even brought her daughter (7) to go with her. Though the first time was not intentional, the little girl is fired up & wants to share gospel with friends.

This is parental apprenticeship. This is kids-in-simple-church. Kids will catch fish for Jesus. Kids could be the star-reachers for His Kingdom. (see the starfish in the photo). We value kids.

In fact we have a lot to learn from kids when coming together. They humble us.

I can hold myself pretty nicely. I am a pastor. Speak well, talk well, present well... well well well well well. People naturally think I am spiritual. My true spirituality reveals at home. In fact I was scared when knowing I am going to open my house as a simple church soon. My weakness will then be exposed. No place to hide.

When Caleb is not sitting well or not focus in Bible time, very often I will be upset. I raise my voice & he cries. When he cries, I am even more upset. In fact one time the Spirit warned me that I was too strict in teaching them Bible. This would make them lost interest in God. I simply repented. I felt so sorry. I felt so bad.

How many times, kids help me see I am so impatient, so self-seeking, so rude... The place where I find myself desperate for grace is my family, with my kids. So much to learn. But this is how we grow. Kids expose our real self. Kids humble us to the grace of Jesus.

In a house church, adults & kids learn together from our success & failures in following Jesus. We are only His disciples.

I love Caleb, Joshua, Philip. My sons. I really do. They are my life.

I am so sorry for the mistakes I made as a father, but I am learning.

"Dad not one you love me. You love me just like God love me" - Love Joshua.

"...I know that you will love me forever" - Love Caleb.

Thanks God it is still not too late.

Thanks Jesus for your grace.

Help me to love my kids in the way you love them...

Help me to bring them up as your followers...

Let our house serve you...

We will serve you, Lord. My sons will serve you. My sons' sons will serve you... Amen.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Melt The Ice & Let It Flow

It's almost 4 weeks since my last update. Not because of the summer fun. But lots of works to do. Even after they were done. My mind just could not think, my heart not feel. I need time.

Kids & Aden just went to HK. Home alone. And I can gather myself a bit.

2 hours ago, I prayed. My heart was heavy:

I was praying for a whole bunch of neighborhood kids & youth, while they were gathering on the grassland outside my townhouse. A new religion from Iran called Baha'i Faith actively penetrates into our 250 unit townhouse complex. Through 2 active UBC students & a few youth & a connection in our community, they organize events targeting adults & kids. I talked to them last week during the "children festival" organized by them in our complex. They will be holding a 2-week children summer class from 1:00-3:00pm every day. Where? On our grassland. All these on my grassland!

A spiritual warfare is waging. Satan is advancing. I am praying hard to hold the line, to break out. But where's my comrades? Where's your army, Lord? I fight hard to keep up my spirit. Still my heart is heavy in this fun fun summertime.

To what people compare institutional church in terms of outreaching the needy world: Ice. If water is the gospel message, water can exist as both solid and liquid form. "Come to our church & hear our special speakers"- the attractional model of church is like ice, a frozen solid existence. The gospel message is then made restricted at a certain time in a certain place.

How many people, nowadays, love to go to church? Even Christians, some, only go monthly or yearly. I never met one single non-Christian friend who was passionate enough to initiate going to church! So to attract them, we create program after program, event after event. A few do come, while most choose to stay at home. We are exhausted, while they come & go.

We beg, "Come ! Come! Come" when Jesus commands His church, "Go! Go! Go!"

Most institutional churches are solid, are ice. Frozen in time & space. Waiting for the rabbit. What if we don't wait for the rabbit? what if we melt the ice? What if we hold meetings like the Baha'i youth outdoor on the grassland in any townhouse complex? What if we even go out into the home in which these non-believers choose to stay? What if we do not ask them to come to church but go to their home to hold discovery groups or start simple church? We are then melting the ice. The resulting water - the Good News of the Kingdom - will seep into every crack of our society.

We shall saturate every sector, every language group, every subculture group of society with the Good News. Students, yuppies, the elderly, club kids, the party-party, as well as people from different nationalities, the poor and the single parent family then have easy access to the gospel message & the love of God.

Simple church is the melted ice. It will flow through cities & nations & touch the world with Jesus' love. Because it exists anywhere, anytime, like flowing liquid. It meets people at where they are. It is Jesus' "Go Go Go"

Aden is my love. Love words come easier for me while ocean apart. She really is. But apart from this, she is a good soldier of Christ. My comrade. She is really reaching out to many women in our community.

A friend of us has 3 little daughters. The last 2 are baby twins. They are so beautiful. They are mixed. Twins can keep mom terribly busy. Like breast feeding. Use some imagination. Plus a little sister of six only. You simply want to die. Going to church?! How? For what? In the noisy nursery room. No way. We pray for our girl friend. Try our best to care. Take the little sister to carnival that mom has a break. Share some good Asian food. Lots of chatting.

Aden knows all the struggles to take care of 3 kids. Together with a Korean friend who is a Christian, Aden initiates to her girl friend that they can start a small discovery group in her house. In her house, she still could take care of the twins when needed. And I could take care of my boys & her little girl, plus the two boys of our Korean friend in my house. A simple church(early form) in her house. A kindergarten in mine. What a team!

Her response is Yes. Isn't it wonderful? How almost impossible for her to attend a conventional church! Now she can seek God in her home, with the twins around, if she likes, even while breast feeding. Why not?

Even more wonderful. She told Aden there was another lady of great need lives in her apartment. Her neighbor has a autistic son (autism). Mild. The boy is in fact the classmate of my oldest son, Caleb. His mom is really struggling to raise a son of autism. Even worse the school had just cut budget that the special attention arrangement to her son no longer existed. She was sad. She was down. Now our girl friend even initiates her to join once the group is formed. A non-believer brings a non-believing friend. Isn't it wonderful? We go to where the need is. The gospel will explode. No one can restrict. The water will flow...

A Japanese lady also wants to join... That is another amazing story!

But for the gospel message to saturate our city, we need army of God. Not just one couple. We need faithful, teachable, risk-taker, Kingdom dreamer.

More than anything else, the Jesus lover. Loving Jesus to see more of Him in their lives. To give more even all for Jesus. To see Jesus loved & worshiped by more people, more ethnic groups, all generations. Loving Jesus to saying Yes Yes Yes. Loving Jesus to dare Go Go Go.

Pray with me to see this army of God will appear soon. Pray for such simple churches to flood the city with His mercy & love.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Part 2: Cast Out the WOW Army

Before any significant church planting movement, there must be a major prayer movement & it persists for long.

I believe in it. I hope you'll believe in it, you'll participate into it.

Therefore I urged you in my previous blog message to pray the Luke 10:2b together (called Luke-ten-two-b prayer). Aden & I are excited to do it everyday at 10:02 am/pm. I know some of you are mobilized to pray it as well. Yeah you know it's not easy to do everyday! Maybe you have tried every means to remind each other, alarm clock, voicemail... Let's consider the last week is a warm-up.

If you have not read the previous message, please stop here & read it first. Then you'll get the background & you can join us & have fun.

There is a context for the Luke-ten-two-b prayer (Luke 10:2b):

Jesus told his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few..." (10:2a) Hold it......................(this dot dot happens when my wife just reminding me it is 10:02 pm, it is time to pray Luke10:2b. So I have to stop composing & we begin to pray....).

Sorry, coming back to the context.

The harvest is plentiful. The world needs help. People needs love. It is the context of Jesus time. It is the context of our time. Our time in Richmond, June, 2010.

A Japanese woman who used to live in Cambie Road had his rented apartment burnt into ashes. She didn't have any home insurance. She is a single mom. With 2 kids. A janitor. A woman just gone through breast cancer surgery. Now sadly look at the ashes, their once last place on earth for escaping all distress. Don't have any money. Don't know where to go for.

A lady called to my office yesterday. She is a non-Christian wanting to register for our Gospel camp. She was a bit anxious for not meeting our deadline. She explained why she hesitated to submit the form. Actually she was reluctant to tell her story: she is a single mom (Again!). She has 2 kids. The company she is now working will be closed down this month. She's financially strained. She requested if she could pay the camp fee after the event. Her last pay cheque will only be available by then.

My heart was saddened. I promised her that we don't need her family to pay anything. She didn't expect this gift. I could sense from her voice that she was deeply touched. Any conscientious being would pay for her. It is only $100.

Lots of Audi, Mercedes, BMW, Porsche... in our town.
People can't imagine some are in needs, in deep troubles.
Just $100. But when you don't have it, even if it is just $30, you just don't have it.

Here. Rich people on every road. Here. Poverty at every shadow.

So this is the context for Luke-ten-two-b prayer.
The harvest is plentiful. The needs are great. Distress are overwhelming. Pain is real. People just keep it in their own hearts. They dare not trust there are someone who cares about their sorrow. But Jesus cares. God knows their needs.

So Jesus urges his disciples to pray this:
"...Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field"(Luke10:2b).

How does His love, his care be made real to these people, in the harvest field?
Through the workers. The Kingdom army. Jesus disciples.
They will live out His love & His care for these needy people, physically & spiritually.

Our simple church network needs devoted core team to do the harvest, to start a church planting movement.

Will you join us to ask God to drive out his workers, cast out his army, for the field?

Will you be serious enough & persistent enough to see this come true through praying the Luke10:2b prayer?

Will you remind your partner or let all other means remind yourself to pray this at 10:02am/pm?

I have hurt my thigh a month ago by a soccer outreach event. After a few treatment, I asked the physiotherapist, "When can I expect to play the game again?" Tina said, "You can try playing the game next week. But before you play, do the proper stretching as warm-up."
I long for playing some real game soon.

I consider the past week is warm-up exercise for Luke 10:2b prayer. Some did it. Some didn't. Some didn't even read my update.

How about let's get a partner! Consider the past is warm-up.

Let's play the real game!

Pray it for 40 days. Mark down everyday. And count the total prayers.

Let's see how many times we pray all together at the end.

And let's see how God answers these prayers.

Let's have fun here!

Let's start the game!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cast Out The WOW Army

"Blow the horn, He'll send out his army.

Make the calls, He'll cast out his workers."

Some followers of this blog really concern what gonna happen to us. And we thank them for their love. Indeed there are lots of topics to be covered like "Where will the new church be?" "What language to use?" "Who are you targeting?" "How about kids in the house church?"... I shall cover all these one by one. However I want to answer this one now: "Who will be your core team?"

An army.
An army of God.
An army fighting for God's Kingdom.
An army wanting to please their Commanding Officer (2 Tim.2:4).
An army enrolled already. An army with potential to be uncovered.

They are not measured by numbers.
12, Great.
5 or 6, Great.
3 Great. We don't need a "legion."
They are measured by quality, by potential. United under one vision & in one spirit, fighting against the same enemy, ready to dedicate everything in order to win the warfare.
They are the WOW army. (WOW = Walking On Water)

The WOW army is wanted:

  • They are the MORE People: They are hungry for more Jesus. They can't wait till heaven. They want more of Jesus, now & here, in their lives, in this world. They want to lead their lives more for Jesus. They love Jesus & want Jesus to be loved, worshiped, obeyed by more people. They know they have more to offer to the lost world. They are ready to be challenged to live more and more for Jesus. Their dedication proves He is worthy of everything, of all things. All for Jesus. More for Jesus. "Yes. Jesus, we love you."

  • They are New Wineskin for New Wine: They are ready to accept new ways of doing church. They are creative, not-bound by established ways of doing things, outside-the-box people. They are creative, not for creative sake. They know there are better ways to achieve God's purpose. They dare to try, to pioneer, even to fail, if it might have a dim chance of winning the world for Jesus, of making a difference in the lives of thousands. They walk on water, like Peter, to Jesus, while others stay. If simple church is the way to achieve God's mission, they will step out & walk on it, at all cost. They are ready to unlearn, to undo a lot. I mean, a lot. And they are willing to relearn, to receive the new wine (new ideas/paradigm).

  • They Dream This Dream: "Transformed Disciples To Transform The World" They believe it's Jesus' dream to see His disciples to turn the world upside down. They believe it is first to begin in ourselves, being committed disciples, lives transformed. Then we invest our lives into others, to help experience the Kingdom reality & to become His disciples. And they know there is a world God cares & love so much. A Kingdom mission to achieve. Unreached peoples group to reach. Hunger to be fed. Naked to be clothed. Orphans to be embraced. Justice to be upheld... So much to do. But they don't lose hearts. They know they can impact the world, at least to start from a few lives.

Who are the WOW army? They are not perfect people. They are only those who're working at the above qualities. They are only those who are working them out.

They might dream before, but somehow passion lost...

They might wait & wait to be challenged for something bigger than themselves, and still wait...

Their hearts pang, while reading the blog messages, but dreaming to be a part of it...

They see the vast harvest, but not knowing where to start...

They might see themselves as dry bones, but God see them as army.

Trumpet needs to be blown, horn needs to be blast, before they are gathered to fight. Who is to blow the horn?

Early this morning, I was talking with a couple in our church. We were exactly talking about the army of God, how God turns dry bones to army. A brother from other church carrying a ram's horn dropped by. He was called by God today to blow the horn to bless people. So he blew a long blast to us, while we closed our eyes. You know what? This divine appointment, the long blast, is to confirm us: "it's time to call out His WOW army." You know you can cast out God's army?! I mean "cast out."

Pray this prayer for 40 days at 10:02 am/pm: "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."(Luke10:2).

When you pray to God, ask Him not to be polite to these workers. The word "send out" is a forceful word. The same word is used to describe Jesus "cast out" demons, a lot of demons (Mk1:34). Why workers or soldiers need to be cast out to the field or battle? May be they are too hooked up with the diapers, picturing their kids, thinking a lot on the how-to-earn-more...the civilian affairs(2Tim.2:4). So we should pray, "Lord, cast them out...throw them them out...push them...compel them...simply kick them out..." All sort of forceful words, except the F-words. Be impolite here, please!

Will it work? Just a simple prayer of Luke10:2 at 10:02 am/pm... Here is the power of God's promise:

White, house church coach, & Moore, the Baptist director of church planting for Colorado. They were responsible for recruiting church planters for Colorado. But they were frustrated with so few inquiries. So they covenanted with each other to pray this Luke 10:2 prayer together everyday. They started to call up each other to pray over the phone. If they didn't connect, they simply leave their prayer on voice mail.

From then on, they prayed 800 times for 30 months. And they mobilized another 200 people to pray the same prayer. Miraculous things happened. Normally they would only get 6-8 people who were interested to plant new churches over a period of six months. But ever since they started praying the Luke 10:2 prayer, there have been around 100 baptist churches planted. WOW 100.

The Kingdom is always at hand.

The world is always meant to be changed.

All things are possible.

Especially if it is His promise. Especially for those who believe.

It is up to us to pursue, to win & to celebrate or to accept the status quo, the so-called " church reality"& let passion fades out. If I die, I'll die in passion. This is my choice.

"Blow the horn, He'll send out his army. Make the calls, He'll cast out his workers."

Will you blow the horn for us? Will you make the calls for us?

Pray Luke 10:2 with us. Everyday at 10:02 am or pm. Pray just one minute. Pray for 40 days. Ask God to cast the WOW army out for the field, for our simple church network, for the poor world.

Pair up with someone if possible. Couples could hold each other hands. Pray with text message. Pray via i-phones, voice-mail... Whatever. Whatever. Do Pray for 40 days. And see how God answers our prayer. And see what WOW army He calls up.

WOW. This is exciting.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Right Tune First...

Guess the first question people asked me after knowing my church planting vision. "Is it an Anglican church?"

People seems to concern a lot on what I concern the least. But still I have to tell friends why we decide to plant simple/house church networks under Anglican umbrella.

I got the most crucial part of the puzzle last September. God has a mission for me to plant churches. This is done. This is the objective. And it is the simple/house church network. That is done as well. What's left is less important: under MB? under Anglican? Go Independent? But I've spent 7 months to pray & think. Why? because I struggled a lot.

I didn't join the Anglican 4 years ago because I loved Anglican. "You may find us doing some strange things. We are a group of Christians choose to worship God in a special way, a traditional way..." This is how an Anglican priest introduced themselves to the non-Anglican Christians in the Rwanda Connection in Richmond week ago. To the evangelicals, Anglican way is strange. Strange wearing. Strange incense...Like ancient. Honestly speaking, I don't like their closeness to the Catholic church, at least the outlook. But my problem is, it is not what I like or not, it is what God wants from me.

Over the period Jesus challenged me to be led to places I didn't want to go (Jn.21:18). He challenged me to surrender my freedom for Him. If you know me long enough, you know I hate to be restricted. My natural instinct is to get free. When considering to plant church independently or under Anglican or under MB, a strange reason comes up which is really against my instinct: accountability & under authority. When it is against my fleshly desire for freedom, I know this strange idea is a godly one, coming from Jesus. Accountability & Under Authority is good for any churches. But it is crucial for simple/house church. I tell you why...

Paolo Aquilini, the Canucks owner, talked of his faith, "we left the church we were in, and we started a home church. Unfortunately, we were being taught that our group was the only one, and everyone out there doesn't really know the Lord - and it became very cultic in nature."

An inward-bound home church can easily be manipulated & easily become cultic. Accountability is a way to prevent this happening. So we plant a network of churches. Churches then are accountable to each other. A bigger fellowship is healthy for all. And the leadership needs to be under authority in order to lead others as well. This is again accountability.

That is why I chose to be "restricted free agent"(Hockey term). I want the churches to be healthy. Me myself as leader to be healthy. Healthy leader grows healthy churches. Set the right tune. Then we can have fun.

There are many Anglicans. Some bless sinful behaviours. Some don't. I choose the don'ts. Some really care about missions. Some care only the ancient stuff... I choose the missional one. That is why I choose to work with AMIAS. They are not perfect. But they are doing God's missions. They have some good people around.

My bishop agrees with me that simple church is an adventure. It'll be very non-Anglican Anglican churches. It's simplified. That why it is simple church. This is an adventure team, yet worth trying. To me, that is already enough. My choice will surely let down some friends. But one day we all know. Let's wait.

I see myself not called to plant Anglican or baptist or free or alliance... churches. I only called to plant Christ churches. Disciples making churches. Missional churches. Church of love & truth. Yes. It is under Anglican administration. Under Anglican authority is one thing. Loving Anglican is another thing. Jesus only loves His church. For Him, there is no Anglican, no baptist, no free... Should we fall in love then with Anglican, baptist, free... or fall in love only with His church? For Him, there is one wife, one love... for His church.

In N. America, some takes home church as a last getaway from all the frustrated experiences in conventional churches. So the bitter, negative, pessimistic DNA will lead the home church to all sort of fatal problems.

Instead of retreating into it out of despair, our new simple church networks embrace the gospel of peace and outreach from home to the world, in great hope. We are a bunch of happy people, obedient disciples, wanting more of Jesus, living more for Jesus. We believe in church. We have high hope for church. We are dream-chasers. We are stars-reachers. We know there is a mission out there for us, for our life. We believe it's God's mandate for us, the church, to make a huge difference in the lost world. We are the WOW people!

Jesus loves His church so much. He died for her. So we learn to love His church. Though sometimes it does frustrate us, still we love it more. More and more that we want to give birth to more...

Last Thursday I picked up a bunch of kids, mine & others, after soccer camp. I dropped by a gas station. While I was filling, my sons knocked the van window to play with a station staff. He asked me, "Are they your sons?" "Yes. 3 of them. Boys!" "I have one boy," he said. I challenged him if he dares to have another kid. He said, "Yeah. Sure. Why not? Only this time I want a girl." I echoed. "Me too."

Love. It is love ... set the right tune for having more. More kids. Only this time, girl. More churches (reproducible). Only this time, a special one - simple church.

A right tune is set, the kids are ready to rock, to have fun. Are you ready? Ready for a new church? Ready for the kid's video... our gift to you.