Friday, August 23, 2013

Catching Kenting 03:24

What Would Jesus Do at 03:24 in Kenting?

Never thought much of it before. At 03:24 Kenting, I used to be sleeping and dreaming about surfing.

But this time,at 03:24, in Kenting, it is not about catching waves.

It is about catching the moment of serving Jesus in the middle of the night.

It is about seeing Him in a most unlikely place, unlikely time, in the midst of a most unlikely group.

That was last night of our family surfing vacation in Kenting. Afei, the owner of the surf hotel, invited me to his BBQ party at midnight. Yes I mean 12:00am. And I know it means beers and alcohol. After all, you are in Taiwan. I can drink but I don't like their way of drinking. I drink not to get drunken. So I waited for him from 11:30pm and found no signs of anyone in the lobby. I was glad the party must be cancelled and I could join my kids for sleeping.

At 1:15 am, Afei woke me up and I climbed down carefully from my upper bunk bed. Wow. There a dozen young people sat in circle. They talked. They smoked. They drank. And of course laughed. One guy was drunk all the way that I didn't even see his face.

We introduced ourselves. In fact it was Afei introduced me. "He is Marcus from Vancouver. A pastor, but he is different. He's been here a few times. He is our community." You should have seen all the funny expressions - mouths wide open unbelievably saying, "Oops, p-a-s-t-o-r!" It was the best way to destroy the party atmosphere.

A pastor. Who needs a pastor in party?

I thought that must be the end of the night for any meaningful spiritual talks. They must be cautious now.

I tried to relax. Tried to feel what Jesus felt when he was partying with the sinners and tax-collectors.

I felt peace. I didn't push any talks but refused to hide myself. Tried to listen and tried to understand them. tried to exchange talks of surfing in Canada. Not much deep talks and could hardly expected one.

I remembered earlier during daytime. When I looked at these familiar faces, I kind of talked to God, "How can I share with them about you when they only tell jokes and smoke?"

For the following 2 hours, we had some BBQ pork. But the main dish was spirits, various kinds: whiskey, Korean wine, beers. I was given all of them. I drank some. I was not drunken but not far.

At 3:00 am, A Korean guest who contributed the Korean wines came sitting next to me. We had some casual talks. And I talked to him about a movie,Chasing the Mavericks, that me and my kids recently watched together. I recommended him this movie because it was about pursuing one dream with passion... he sighed deeply and got touched somehow?!
When he knew that I watched this movie with my kids, he was impressed. he was even impressed when he knew I was hoping my kids to learn the spirit of the movie: put everything you have to pursue your dream but at the same time observe the limit. If you push the limit, the limit sometimes will put you back! My friend seemed to deeply appreciate what I did as a father to his kids. And he said, "Yours kids should be proud of you."

Then I told him what I had just told my kids days ago: "I feel so proud of you kids just as you are so proud of your Dad!" My Korean friend was moved again. I think he must have a hole somewhere. Some sadness.
  He told me how he was attracted by our family on the beach in the morning. How he was very impressed by my wife being so concerned and caring for their kids and husband on the beach! How happy and harmonious our family was!

Then I told him that If it was not because of Jesus, he wouldn't see such a family. Because these kids would never exist. This couple should long go separate way because of my unfaithfulness. Then I told him my story and how Jesus turned my life around and changed me and changed my wife. Happy family, happy kids, loving relationships, all these are froam Jesus. Having Jesus. Having all things.

I told him about the prodigal son in the Bible. I was this lost son but responded to His voice of coming home.

And I lifted my Quiksilver surf watch. It was 03:24 in the morning.

And I said, "I know God is calling you home as well. Why? You see. It is now 03:24. I had been here in the surf hotel for 5 times before. Every time at this time, I was only sleeping. But this time, here I am, at this time, to talk with you my story. I know that God woke me up to call you home..."

The moment seemed to stop. The Spirit moved. Heavenly father was calling a son home that night.  He felt it...

After awhile, I crawled back up my bed and slept again. Because of the beer, I got up every hour, before we all woke up at 6:45 am to get ready for the last surf.

 I was happy to see Jesus' presence in a wayward group in the wayward Kenting.

It didn't mean to prove Jesus loves hanging out and drinking.

It proves He loves the hangout guys, the drinkers, the smokers...and seeks the lost.

I was not particularly proud of myself of being "special" as a drinking and partying pastor (only sometime).

But I am proud of my God who goes beyond the appearances and sees the hearts and motives.

Kenting 03:24 is about catching the Spirit moment and how we follow accordingly.
Kenting 03:24 is about your presence as Jesus' agents in the world, his light into the darkness.
Kenting 03:24 is about we dedicate our lives, I mean whole lives - not sunday, not a few bucks, not a few Christian jargon, but your whole being, to Jesus.

I play. I go vacation. I drink. I surf. I preach. I sleep. I work. I give. I take... Do we all do if for the glory of God?
My work. My family. My closet. My drawer. My bank account. My sexuality. My everything I surrender to Lord Jesus.

Then your Kenting 03:24 will come.
Then you will catch God's moment.

But In Kenting, if you happened with Afei, you may catch some good waves as well.