I ask "Why"
Years ago, a new chinese immigrant(2 weeks only) crushed dead while biking in Richmond. A buddist charity rushed in to offer help, money, and learning assistance to his kid. I asked, "Why no churches jump in to help?" Maybe a Christian social concern group tried a bit. But the question is "why no churches...?" Do we just love those who love us? How can the love of Jesus not just expressed in doctrine but in ways the world can feel & touch? I am frustrated...it's a holy kind. I ask lots of why about church & even more, as I grow in age, in faith, in touch with the world.
I ask "why not"
Under that beautiful and warm summer sun of last year, at poolside, I read the the World Vision book about the world tragedies: hunger, HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, wars & refugees, diseases...stories after stories of people, born fatherless, die young, live miserably, suffer unnecessarily, hope of nothing. While 20% like you and I, uses up 80% of the world resources. Sarcastic enough I was pitying the world at the poolside, enjoying my summer sunbath. Ashamed somehow even now.
Under that same sun, I read a wonderful book about leadership from Colonel Jeffrey. At the end of the book, he unfolded how God called him to start a ministry with $500(Well, this I can do!). With this portion from his limited salary, he & 2 friends started an orphanage in India. After 10 years, they ran 50 orphanages taking care of hundreds of kids. The fatherless receive food, education, love. Above all, the gospel of Jesus. They now have hope. They dig wells to provide clean water for hundreds of villages. They set up clinics, provide hot meals...They send out workers to the unreached. Churches set up. They had won 100,000 souls for Christ. (Read the book yourself for accuracy). Out of all these beauties, I asked: Why not we see churches doing these? Are churches of Christ not supposed to bring forth the gospel in words as well as through deeds of love? I expect some things more from churches. Jesus expects more from His church.
Under that same sun, I read a wonderful book about leadership from Colonel Jeffrey. At the end of the book, he unfolded how God called him to start a ministry with $500(Well, this I can do!). With this portion from his limited salary, he & 2 friends started an orphanage in India. After 10 years, they ran 50 orphanages taking care of hundreds of kids. The fatherless receive food, education, love. Above all, the gospel of Jesus. They now have hope. They dig wells to provide clean water for hundreds of villages. They set up clinics, provide hot meals...They send out workers to the unreached. Churches set up. They had won 100,000 souls for Christ. (Read the book yourself for accuracy). Out of all these beauties, I asked: Why not we see churches doing these? Are churches of Christ not supposed to bring forth the gospel in words as well as through deeds of love? I expect some things more from churches. Jesus expects more from His church.
I dream...
In one summer morning (29/8/09), I had my quiet time with God & read Psalm 37.
I read...
"Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him & He will do this..."(v.5)
At that moment, I was challenged to do something I seldom did. To pray this prayer. Tell him what I want. Trust in him. And ask him to do this...according to his promise. So I pray a simple prayer out of simple faith:
"Lord, I want to see strong disciples. They love you & transformed by you so much that they love what you love...They love your world. I want to see strong churches...bringing the gospel & God's love to the lost. I want to see they are taking care of the fatherless, providing clean water, setting up schools...doing things that make a huge difference in the life of others. I want to see your followers following you for the sakes of others...living not for ourselves, but for you and for others..."
That night, I attended the SOP praise concert. I was in the first row. I praised. I jumped. I worshiped Jesus...Then came the music for the song "Trust"...then the lyrics in the power-point...there they sang...
"Commit your way to the Lord, Trust in Him & he will do this"
Electrified. Stunned. Eye's wet in this Jesus moment, holy moment. A small voice still echos: "I hear your prayer. And I will fulfill it."
That was the most wonderful Saturday night I ever had, usually that's not the case before you had to preach the next day?! But I went home, so grateful, fully charged, His love like surround-sound, very much in hope...
Open our mouth Big. Ask for something Big. Real Big for God(Jeremiah 33:3). When it comes true, no one will believe it can be done through you without his workings & his will. That, all glory be unto Him & only Him, forever, Amen.
By the way, guess who's big mouth: Caleb, Joshua, Philip?
I read...
"Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him & He will do this..."(v.5)
At that moment, I was challenged to do something I seldom did. To pray this prayer. Tell him what I want. Trust in him. And ask him to do this...according to his promise. So I pray a simple prayer out of simple faith:
"Lord, I want to see strong disciples. They love you & transformed by you so much that they love what you love...They love your world. I want to see strong churches...bringing the gospel & God's love to the lost. I want to see they are taking care of the fatherless, providing clean water, setting up schools...doing things that make a huge difference in the life of others. I want to see your followers following you for the sakes of others...living not for ourselves, but for you and for others..."
That night, I attended the SOP praise concert. I was in the first row. I praised. I jumped. I worshiped Jesus...Then came the music for the song "Trust"...then the lyrics in the power-point...there they sang...
"Commit your way to the Lord, Trust in Him & he will do this"
Electrified. Stunned. Eye's wet in this Jesus moment, holy moment. A small voice still echos: "I hear your prayer. And I will fulfill it."
That was the most wonderful Saturday night I ever had, usually that's not the case before you had to preach the next day?! But I went home, so grateful, fully charged, His love like surround-sound, very much in hope...
Open our mouth Big. Ask for something Big. Real Big for God(Jeremiah 33:3). When it comes true, no one will believe it can be done through you without his workings & his will. That, all glory be unto Him & only Him, forever, Amen.
By the way, guess who's big mouth: Caleb, Joshua, Philip?
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