There is absolutely some truth & wisdom in being simple & focus in what we do. No exception in doing church. Jesus' way of doing church is simple, focus, basic & reproducible. His 12 (incl. Paul) turned the world upside down by following the Jesus' principle.
I try to capture what God put in my mind. For details, you can go back & read from my first blog & await the future coming messages. But in brief & simplicity, it is making "Transformed Disciples To Transform the World"
What we are going to do is a disciple-making church planting movement. We are not planting a house group, which is what the conventional churches do in the beginning stage of their church planting. We are not planting one house church, which is normally 10-20 people, or most 30 something.
What we do is: house church planting house churches, network (clusters of house churches) planting networks, local to regional to national to global. So in order to be reproducible cross-territorially & cross-culturally, it must be simple, basic and focus.
But it doesn't begin with church planting church. It starts even smaller & even more basic. It all starts with disciple making another disciple. It all starts with relational discipleship. It aims at life transformation. Lordship of Jesus is central & focal. It is not about passive Sunday school program or lecture stuff. It is all about interactive, learning by doing, practices & application, obedience & accountability, like Jesus & His 12 or even His 3. Jesus model will be our model. We are making transformed disciples. Slow. Yes it maybe. But worthwhile. It is deep & multiplying. When doing the right way, it may be faster than we think. One thing definitive, they will change the world.
These transformed disciples know that they do not exist for fun, for their success, for their own interests, or even for their kids. They live for Jesus. They follow Jesus for the sakes of others. They live their life for God & others. They'll rejoice in worshiping Jesus at home, in starbucks, at campus, or offices, knowing that this will save up a huge sum for serving the poor & the unreached, in local as well as in global. They will participate in God's Kingdom mission in drawing people to experience the Kingdom through the gospel & their love for the world.
Like His second calling to me (the previous blog) in Psalm 82: They will "defend the cause of the weak & the fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy. Deliver them from the hand of the wicked." By doing these, hopefully the love and gospel of Jesus is well received. Life transformed. Disciple made. An unlikely army of God is raised up. For this purpose, the new house churches networks will mobilize, will support, will send out missionaries. This is a must: we are missional. The Great Commission & Great Commandments are our bedrock core.
I am writing this now at home (on-leave today). Using my router for the first time in wireless mode. That I can be away from the sitting room noises. You know what I just put in the router network name? "4All Nations House" You know where it comes from? After Jesus cleansed the Temple, he told his disciples, "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."(Mk11:17).
Jesus longs to see all nations, all peoples, all tribe & all language, standing before Him in heaven. He longs to see His ways may be known on earth, his salvation among all nations (Ps.67). I long to see Him being loved & worshiped in this way, in this manner, in this magnitude. The lamb is great. He deserves ALL...
So what is the name of the new church: 4All Nations House Church Networks. It will start on 1/1/2011 - four 1 of Isaiah 11:1(check with it. what a coincidence.)
We will pray, pray, pray in these house churches. We will preach, preach, and preach the gospel. We will bring All nations, here in Vancouver as well as overseas, to Christ, direct & indirect. We shall direct to the Lamb, All glory & praises, forever, Amen...
My sons surrounded & shared a bowl of noodles, they were so joyful. Life could be very simple, yet joyful. Church could be very simple, joyful, yet Christ-glorifying. Amen?! Amen.