I am in the boat. Jesus is no more walking on the water. Jesus SOS. Stands On Shore. Out of nothing, you discover "It's the Lord!" What'll you choose: Row or Throw?
I am so much touched by John 21. Yes. This episode as well.
The dawn was misty, foggy. Not much we could see. Jesus appeared. He's always there. He loves to be with us. But we, not knowing, not awaring. Eyes always fail us when comes to spiritual moments... the Jesus moments. But love fails not. Not with intimacy. Not with the life shared by the shepherd and its sheep. Somehow, someone knows "it's the Lord." It's like a light or a gleam out of the darkness. It's like a lightning. It's shocking. Then the bursting of joy. "Oooh...it's the Lord!!!" When is your last Jesus moment? Just too preoccupied to discover him. What if Jesus SOS? What if now you know "it's the Lord?" What do you do now if your Jesus moment comes? This counts most.
Some people chose to row the boat. But some just can't wait. Put on the jacket & throw himself right away into the sea. "I want to see you Lord. I want to see you now now now now now now. Miss you Lord." Water is nothing, the depth nothing, distance nothing. Not even its coldness. "Here I dive. Here I throw myself. With the jacket, I come slow. But excuse me Lord, I can't wait to be with you! " Some call this rash. Some think it's stupid. I call it Passion. The passion for Christ. No need for second thought. It's there. It's in the blood. It's in the DNA. Peter chose to throw! And you?
The same Jesus. same cross. same love. Some choose wait and row. Some choose throw & now.
"One day ev'ry tongue will confess You are God
One day ev'ry knee will bow
Still the greatest treasure remains for those,
Who gladly choose you Now..." ( Come Now Is The Time To Worship - Brian Doerksen)
Jesus I choose you Now. I can't wait till heaven. Yes. my body no more 20. My troubles and doubts not less than a ton. Yet. There is no excuse for not throwing all I have and who I am in the sea, right here, right now. I swim and swim with joy with hope... to see you SOS.
I pray that all of you choose Jesus now. And don't wait. I pray that all of you will throw & go crazy for Jesus. He's worthy of our every single passion & all our love.
Do pray for our unceasing passion & faithfulness to fulfill His calling for me. We are up. We are down. We are WOW. Your prayers are precious!
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