I'll always remember the next day, April 20. My seminary graduation day. My seat was empty. A beauty not obvious to many.
That evening in April 19. We had to decide a "Go" for Cesarian section, cause my son didn't want to show up long after due date. That was a crazy night. But God's there. Caleb was "giant baby" as the doctor described. 8.lb.5. That night I had made another decision. Never regret. After 3 years of hard working, numerous cups of coffee, overnights, hundreds of thousands of pages for reading...I chose not to show up the next day for graduation ceremony. I chose to stay with Aden who suffered a deep cut. I chose to stay...even though April 20 was another big day. Empty seat. Self-giving. Like Jesus.
Did a no show in the ceremony make me less a servant of God? Or should I be made more qualified to serve by a formality, a ceremony, an ordination...only? That decision put me, equip me, in the right direction to be a better servant of God. That is self-giving. Self-sacrifice. For the sakes of others. That is basic. That is "love others" of the Great commandment. Empty seat. A beauty.
Following Jesus for the sakes of others. Isn't it the Loving God & the Loving Others? Now say 200 fellow Christians chose to make a difference. Not meeting in a church buildings. They split into 10 simple churches. 4 meet in houses. 3 meet in campus. 2 meet in Starbucks or restaurants. 1 meets in office or factory. They chose deliberately doing this. Not for them. But for others. That $15000 rent saved. Can make a huge difference for say 57 orphanages in Africa, i.e. in 570 fatherless & motherless lives. This is following Jesus for the sakes of others. This is love. Self-sacrifice. Not just word but with deeds. This is a beauty.
This is the future church: "Within the next ten to fifteen years, I believe these new house church networks will dot the landscape of North America just as they already do in other nations of the world. Places like China, Central Asia, Latin America, India, and Cambodia have experienced tremendous growth through house churches and disciple and empower each member to be 'be the church'"(Larry Kreider).
Above all, it is ancient. It is what we did in the very beginning since churches began:
- Church in the house of Mary (Acts 12:12)
- Church in the house of Priscilla & Aquila (Romans16:3-5)
- Church in the house of Nympha (Col.4:15)
- Church in the house of Archippus (Philemon 2)....Lots more
Want to write more...but I have to hurry back to Caleb's birthday. I've bought a cake.
Great post, Marcus.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Caleb!
Interesting how God has laid this burden on your heart. It is exciting to see the "birth" of a vision as you celebrate the birth of your first son. Certainly God has blessed you immensely with your sons as I am sure God will bless you with your new direction. May you continue to walk in the guidance and wisdom of the Lord and trust in His ways.
I'm proud of you, Uncle.
Thanks Tin. I can see what runs through me - the passion for Christ & compassion for the world - runs through you as well. Apart from Having the same Father God, we share the same 11.4. May God bless you & Michelle,jobs, marriage... as you pursue to glory Him in HK & Asia.