"Blow the horn, He'll send out his army.
Make the calls, He'll cast out his workers."
Some followers of this blog really concern what gonna happen to us. And we thank them for their love. Indeed there are lots of topics to be covered like "Where will the new church be?" "What language to use?" "Who are you targeting?" "How about kids in the house church?"... I shall cover all these one by one. However I want to answer this one now: "Who will be your core team?"
An army.
An army of God.
An army fighting for God's Kingdom.
An army wanting to please their Commanding Officer (2 Tim.2:4).
An army enrolled already. An army with potential to be uncovered.
They are not measured by numbers.
12, Great.
5 or 6, Great.
3 Great. We don't need a "legion."
They are measured by quality, by potential. United under one vision & in one spirit, fighting against the same enemy, ready to dedicate everything in order to win the warfare.
They are the WOW army. (WOW = Walking On Water)
The WOW army is wanted:
- They are the MORE People: They are hungry for more Jesus. They can't wait till heaven. They want more of Jesus, now & here, in their lives, in this world. They want to lead their lives more for Jesus. They love Jesus & want Jesus to be loved, worshiped, obeyed by more people. They know they have more to offer to the lost world. They are ready to be challenged to live more and more for Jesus. Their dedication proves He is worthy of everything, of all things. All for Jesus. More for Jesus. "Yes. Jesus, we love you."
- They are New Wineskin for New Wine: They are ready to accept new ways of doing church. They are creative, not-bound by established ways of doing things, outside-the-box people. They are creative, not for creative sake. They know there are better ways to achieve God's purpose. They dare to try, to pioneer, even to fail, if it might have a dim chance of winning the world for Jesus, of making a difference in the lives of thousands. They walk on water, like Peter, to Jesus, while others stay. If simple church is the way to achieve God's mission, they will step out & walk on it, at all cost. They are ready to unlearn, to undo a lot. I mean, a lot. And they are willing to relearn, to receive the new wine (new ideas/paradigm).
- They Dream This Dream: "Transformed Disciples To Transform The World" They believe it's Jesus' dream to see His disciples to turn the world upside down. They believe it is first to begin in ourselves, being committed disciples, lives transformed. Then we invest our lives into others, to help experience the Kingdom reality & to become His disciples. And they know there is a world God cares & love so much. A Kingdom mission to achieve. Unreached peoples group to reach. Hunger to be fed. Naked to be clothed. Orphans to be embraced. Justice to be upheld... So much to do. But they don't lose hearts. They know they can impact the world, at least to start from a few lives.
Who are the WOW army? They are not perfect people. They are only those who're working at the above qualities. They are only those who are working them out.
They might dream before, but somehow passion lost...
They might wait & wait to be challenged for something bigger than themselves, and still wait...
Their hearts pang, while reading the blog messages, but dreaming to be a part of it...
They see the vast harvest, but not knowing where to start...
They might see themselves as dry bones, but God see them as army.
Trumpet needs to be blown, horn needs to be blast, before they are gathered to fight. Who is to blow the horn?
Early this morning, I was talking with a couple in our church. We were exactly talking about the army of God, how God turns dry bones to army. A brother from other church carrying a ram's horn dropped by. He was called by God today to blow the horn to bless people. So he blew a long blast to us, while we closed our eyes. You know what? This divine appointment, the long blast, is to confirm us: "it's time to call out His WOW army." You know you can cast out God's army?! I mean "cast out."
Pray this prayer for 40 days at 10:02 am/pm: "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."(Luke10:2).
When you pray to God, ask Him not to be polite to these workers. The word "send out" is a forceful word. The same word is used to describe Jesus "cast out" demons, a lot of demons (Mk1:34). Why workers or soldiers need to be cast out to the field or battle? May be they are too hooked up with the diapers, picturing their kids, thinking a lot on the how-to-earn-more...the civilian affairs(2Tim.2:4). So we should pray, "Lord, cast them out...throw them out...drive them out...push them...compel them...simply kick them out..." All sort of forceful words, except the F-words. Be impolite here, please!
Will it work? Just a simple prayer of Luke10:2 at 10:02 am/pm... Here is the power of God's promise:
White, house church coach, & Moore, the Baptist director of church planting for Colorado. They were responsible for recruiting church planters for Colorado. But they were frustrated with so few inquiries. So they covenanted with each other to pray this Luke 10:2 prayer together everyday. They started to call up each other to pray over the phone. If they didn't connect, they simply leave their prayer on voice mail.
From then on, they prayed 800 times for 30 months. And they mobilized another 200 people to pray the same prayer. Miraculous things happened. Normally they would only get 6-8 people who were interested to plant new churches over a period of six months. But ever since they started praying the Luke 10:2 prayer, there have been around 100 baptist churches planted. WOW 100.
The Kingdom is always at hand.
The world is always meant to be changed.
All things are possible.
Especially if it is His promise. Especially for those who believe.
It is up to us to pursue, to win & to celebrate or to accept the status quo, the so-called " church reality"& let passion fades out. If I die, I'll die in passion. This is my choice.
"Blow the horn, He'll send out his army. Make the calls, He'll cast out his workers."
Will you blow the horn for us? Will you make the calls for us?
Pray Luke 10:2 with us. Everyday at 10:02 am or pm. Pray just one minute. Pray for 40 days. Ask God to cast the WOW army out for the field, for our simple church network, for the poor world.
Pair up with someone if possible. Couples could hold each other hands. Pray with text message. Pray via i-phones, voice-mail... Whatever. Whatever. Do Pray for 40 days. And see how God answers our prayer. And see what WOW army He calls up.
WOW. This is exciting.
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