Jesus was walking on water. His disciples were in a boat. One man decided staying there no more. What did it take Peter to step out, to take risk of his life or his fame, to wow like Jesus?
We all know he failed later. But we all forgot he was the only man in NT to wow with Jesus - a surfing-like ecstasy. We might have forgotten it is Jesus' entertaining Peter's pursuit with "Come!"
A consuming passion to pursue Jesus. This is the WOW spirit. Peter did have. Have we? Let passion dies, we live as follower only by name.
All for Jesus. Good. All through Jesus. Much needed. For the last few months, I have been learning the latter. There is so much fun... with Jesus leading & showing His ways.
I was asked a few times: "What did you prepare for planting church next year?" "How many people will go out with you?" My answer always seems embarrassing. To me, I mean. Because it seems I had no preparation at all. I made some. But God overturned them.
I attended church planting school in 2009 Spring. But when God gradually shows his plan for me with simple, organic, house church movement. All I learnt there were pretty much irrelevant. At least in principles. I could have been provided with a better financial support system in church planting. But ended up with a less secured one. I requested to use a quarter of my last few months' time in our team leaders training, but not granted. It's
ok. God knows I don't need it. Because I don't have a team. Except my best team. My family team.
We prayed and prayed. But things didn't happen that way.... Then Christ shows us His way. So we are at peace. Perfectly happy. Firmly secured in His presence. What else will you ask if it is Jesus himself around you, before you? You ask nothing more, except more of himself.
Step out, you walk on the same water with Jesus, I prayed.
The simple, organic church movement starts with this: Pray for the harvester. Go out in a team of 2. Find the person of peace in a community. Go into his house & preach the gospel. Gather them in meetings(a church)... Does it sound familiar? It is Jesus' way. He showed the twelve disciples. He showed his seventy(Luke 10). How could I be so stupid to neglect it as timeless? Thanks Lord. He shows me this truth.
We have prayed for harvesters for a long time. We have prayed for the person of peace in our community. Our neighbourhood is very much multi-ethnics. We always think we have to speak English at least in the house church at my home. And you probably knew that the Baha'i faith (a new religion from Iran) penetrating my neighbourhood, if you've read my previous blog. Our heart was burnt when we saw the Baha'i faith people volunteers to teach the Chinese people English weekly.
Prayers + Person of Peace + English speaking house church + Baha'i faith penetration = ?
They all not match up. Hardly could add up. But in God's economy. Divine purpose shows up.
One day. Aden & I intentionally started a casual talk with a Chinese lady who's now learning English with the Baha'i faith. Later on we exchanged favors... then we become friends. In the meantime, Aden was praying how to move forward with her. Later on she asked if Aden could teach them English once a week. In mid-Autumn Festival, we were invited to join their party. We saw the power of a person of peace. She had invited 30 of her friends there (not counting kids). WOW. You know what? I could envision a house church in hers already.
Every Wednesday morning, my wife will teach them, a group of 4, English in their house. They would talk in English about all walk of life. About raising kids, immigration hardship, family, finding jobs, pressure... Out of these practical issues, Aden will share how her faith made a difference.
In the second lesson, our woman person of peace, after hearing Aden's witness, said, "Can I follow you?" said in eyes redden.
Over the week, my wife was praying of how to lead them closer to God spiritually.
In the third lesson, our woman person of peace requested, " Could you lead us Bible study that we could know more about your God?" WOW. Isn't it amazing that a non-believer asks you to teach her Bible?
That afternoon. I bumped into her. Chatted a little bit about their English class. She told me about my wife: "Aden was very good & kind to us. And she seems like someone I could always look up to... I don't know why. Your wife has a very special attraction to me. I just so adorn her. Honestly speaking, a lot of people volunteers to lead me Bible Study. I turned them down. But I really want Aden to teach us Bible..."
In this coming Wednesday, they'll have their first Discovery Bible Study.
But let me tell you how prayers add up to all these.
Over the last two weeks, when my wife walked to them for English lesson every Wednesday, I prayed for them to come to know Jesus. I prayed for my wife. Knowing that the Baha'i faith people teaches better English (a
UBC student), I prayed for other attraction: a special attraction, the fragrance of Christ, flows through Aden to them. That they will be deeply attracted. The Spirit prompted me to pray this way. The attractiveness of Aden to that lady is exactly the unique fragrance of Christ, filling them via a weak but willing vessel.
Jesus is leading us all the way. He is doing it wonderfully all by himself. And we are so honored being yoked with him. So mystically following his steps. Without knowing, even praying His prayer. And seeing it comes true.
So in Thanksgiving Day, nothing is more appropriate than this gratitude: "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory through Christ. God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume" (2 Cor.2:14 - "Hermie & Friends Bible Version"- I am using my son's Bible a lot lately!).
It is so empowering, so powerful, so excited to see Jesus revealed his will, his way, his hands, his perfume. Even in this preparation stage, the stepping out stage. Should I expect less if I have my other foot as well walking on water 2011.1.1?
When we took our first surfing course in
Kenting, Taiwan this summer. We were driven to a beach far away. Each of us stood on a surfboard. Listening to the instructions of our "Coach Iron," we did all the funny moves and practices. To others, it sounds so weird. A bunch of weird people wearing swimsuits, standing on surfboard, doing all strange gestures...on sandbeach. If we do not envision ourselves end up riding on waves in that piece of ocean, we would be the biggest joke of the day. As silly as it might sound, we prepared ourselves in high spirit. Wow! Just the thought of riding on waves rocketed our spirit sky high.
We were taught with some basics, briefly 45 minutes. Life is all about learning. But learning by doing. Then we rushed to the sea for more than an hour. We were not scared. The joy overrode any fear. Too exciting to feel fatigue. All failed a few times. All wiped out. That would not stop us. Because our coach didn't leave us in water only with those basics taught on sand. Coach Iron was with us all the way. He was standing in water. Correcting every mistakes. Applauding every little win. He was there. Till we all made it.
Jesus said, "I will be with you always !" This is not a promise to any Christian. Sorry guys. This is a promise only to those who dare to pursue, dare to risk...a lot, even their life in making His mission, His dream a reality to the end of the world(Mat28:19-20).
When I saw Coach Iron in water, I know what is "be with you." When Peter walked on water, I know it again. Even when he fell into the water, I know it. I know what is "always." When you WOW... when you fall... Jesus is there, beside you, inside you, around you, before you, behind you...that is "always." So we expect an authentic and authoritative appearance of Jesus himself everywhere, anytime, around us and before us. As much as we do it for Jesus, do it through Jesus, we expect much from Jesus, of Jesus.
In order to remember that moment of a lifetime surfing on water, we wore a bracelet. We crossed our hand, held each other as a team, we took picture. With that same boldness, huge expectation and a deep breath, we are taking off another foot, stepping it out on the sea of newness & freshness... We know He is there waiting for us. We are ready to WOW with Jesus.
Dear friends, do you still have that burning passion for Jesus? Do you now want ministry done only through Jesus, no more by your flesh? I pray you do.
Do pray with us that we, family as a whole, don't miss too much of what we leave behind , and that the new depth of faith & the discovery in Jesus surpasses all loss incurred in the process of making all nations His disciples. May Glory and Honor be to our dear Lord Jesus Only and till eternity, from traditional churches, from simple, organic churches, as well as from you and me. Amen.